Larry Gourdine

Larry Gourdine
Larry proudly serve as the Associate Dean and Director for Student Assistance and Support Services (SASS). Larry’s responsibilities include providing overall leadership and administrative oversight for SASS. Larry also works directly with students experiencing a broad range of issues interfering with their ability to be successful academically, socially and personally by connecting students to support services; provide assistance and support to faculty seeking help regarding a student issue or concerning student behavior and; support to parents and family members seeking help on behalf of their student(s).
Larry graduated from Murray State University with an undergraduate degree in Health and Physical Education and a Masters degree in Public Health with a concentration in Gerontology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Prior to working at UNC Charlotte, Larry has had the privilege and honor of serving students at the University of Georgia, North Carolina State University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Larry is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership at UNC Charlotte.