Request a Presentation

Presentation Options

Student Assistance and Support Services (SASS) Staff are available to provide the following presentations to students, faculty, and staff upon request:

  • SASS Overview (45 minutes to 1 hour): During this presentation, participates will meet and interact with SASS staff, receive a general overview of services provided by SASS, including Absence Verification, Withdrawal Services, and the NinerCare Team, as well as have the opportunity to ask questions and/or discuss relevant issues/concerns involving students.
    • Target Audience: Students, Faculty, and/or Staff
  • NinerCare Team (30-45 minutes): This presentation provides an overview of the NinerCare Team, including its purpose, members, and what happens when an incident report is submitted regarding a student of concern.
    • Target Audience: Students, Faculty, and/or Staff
  • Withdrawing Due to Extenuating Circumstance Process (30-45 minutes): This presentation provides an overview of the withdrawal due to extenuating circumstances process, including information regarding circumstances that do/do not qualify, documentation criteria, implications of a withdrawal, and how to support students considering this process.
    • Target Audience: Students, Faculty, and/or Staff
  • Identifying and Supporting Students in Crisis or Distress (1 hour): This presentation provides participants with tools for identifying a student in distress, as well as resources for how to best support those students.
    • Target Audience: Students, Faculty, and/or Staff
  • Managing Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom (1 hour): This presentation discusses best practices for managing disruptive behavior in the classroom, as well as support resources when situations arise.
    • Target Audience: Faculty

Staff members are also open to working with students, faculty, and staff to create hybrid presentations that meet the needs of your group.

How to Request a Presentation

When planning a request for a presentation from Student Assistance and Support Services, please keep in mind the following:

  • Provide at least two weeks notice to allow for scheduling and preparation for presenters
  • It is the responsibility of the individual or group requesting the presentation to reserve the appropriate space and technology/equipment needed and to update the presenter with any changes to location
  • Have an alternative date available, should there be an unavoidable scheduling conflict

If you are ready to submit your request, please complete the SASS Presentation Request Form. If you have additional questions regarding our presentation options, please contact the SASS office at 704-687-0289.