
Welcome to Student Assistance and Support Services!

Student Assistance and Support Services (SASS) staff is dedicated to your personal growth, development, and success at UNC Charlotte. We know that the student college experience can be challenging at times and may need help along the way. Life events such as a death in the family, personal crisis or experiencing a medical hardship can cause a student to struggle personally and academically. A SASS staff member can meet one-on-one to help students work through issues or concerns that may interfere with a student’s ability to be successful. We are here to help, support and assist you on your NINER journey!

Services Provided By Student Assistance and Support Services:

  • Assistance with verification of absences for documented situations related to medical, psychological, personal crisis, or military absences.
    • Note: The authority to excuse a student’s class absence(s) and to grant a student an academic accommodation (turn in a late assignment(s), provide extra time on an assignment, reschedule an exam(s) etc.) sits with the individual instructor. Student Assistance and Support Services can assist by verifying a student class absence(s) and notifying faculty of the reason(s)/circumstances that lead to the student absence(s) from class. Individual instructors are encouraged to work directly with students regarding their absence(s).
  • Provide faculty with an emergency notification regarding a student’s hospitalization or serious accident if the student will be out of class for more than 3 consecutive days due to the emergency.
  • Meet one-on-one with students to discuss broad issues or concerns ranging from understanding of academic and non-academic university policies and procedures, withdrawing due to extenuating circumstances, academic suspension appeal, academic integrity process, final grade appeal, incomplete grade requests, etc.
  • Provide general information and referrals for students related to additional campus support resources that may be beneficial based on their needs.
  • Consultations with students seeking a withdrawal (medical or non-medical) due to extenuating circumstances.
  • Care and Concern Support Services (NinerCare Team) is designed to help assist students in crisis/distress. SASS staff can reach out to the student to schedule a care and concern meeting to identify issues of concern, discuss campus support services, assist students in the development of a plan of action to address their issues/concerns, and follow up with students when needed to maximize student retention and success at UNC Charlotte.

Please read through information provided on our website to learn more about processes and requirements related to Absence Verification and Withdrawal Services.

Students who are concerned about the well-being or safety of another UNC Charlotte student are strongly encouraged to review information about the NinerCare Team and submit a care and concern referral so our office can reach out to the student and offer support. If a student poses an immediate threat to self or others, please call 911 or UNC Charlotte Police and Public Safety at 704-687-2200.

To speak with a SASS staff member, please call 704-687-0289.